Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Urban Decay Hustle - 30/365

Hello lovies!

For today I have a polish from Urban Decay's Naked Nail Set. It's name is Hustle and yes you are correct if you think that's also a name of shadow from the Naked palette. And very fitting they are similar in color. Hustle in Naked eyeshadow palette is described as a mocha shimmer but it leans more toward the purple tone as does the polish. The polish was extremely smooth and fully opaque in two coats. The only problem is they only come in mini sets.

If the rest of the polishes are as amazing as this I can't wait to try the rest. Look for those in upcoming posts. Have you tried this set yet? I think $26 for this set is a great price point. What do you think? Let me know down below.


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