Thursday, January 17, 2013

OPI Get Your Number - 17/365

Hello lovies!

After debating if I wanted to try another Liquid Sand Formula polish I decided I would give Get Your Number a chance. Now I wish I hadn't. I won't be trying the other two. I can't wait to take this polish off my nails. I feel like my nails look okay from a distance but close up they look like a mess. I love the holographic glitter in this polish and even the color is pretty. I just can't take this crazy formula. I used 3 coats and although it was not tacky to touch quickly after they were painted, the polish was still movable on my nail an hour after being painted. It left me with tips that look worn and gross.

Am I crazy for not liking this formula? Should I try a clear top coat over it since it is a good polish besides the texture? Let me know!


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