Friday, January 18, 2013

Essie Limo-Scene - 18/365

Hello love doves!

I said the other day that I didn't care for jelly polishes. However there is an exception (as there always is) white/neutral jellies. I only recently started drooling over them. I have seen so many pictures of them and I find myself lusting for that beautifulness that is in a white jelly. I skipped the OPI NYC Ballet collection (besides Pirouette My Whistle) because they were jellies but now I'm kicking myself for not atleast picking up the mini set. Upon a recent Target trip I picked up Essie Limo-Scene. I planning on adding to it tomorrow for a gorgeous nail art design I saw on Pinterest. It took three coats for the polish to even out for my liking. Limo-Scene has a slight pink tone to it.

I loved the look of this on my nails. I feel like I'm going to be leaning toward the lighter/neutral colors in the next few weeks.

Do you prefer dark or light polishes? Let me know!


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