Thursday, February 7, 2013

You Make My Heart Beat - 37/365

Hello loves!

If you are paying attention you might notice that I did miss a day. I knew going into this that it would be a challenge to do a different manicure each day. However I do have a good excuse and I could get a doctor's note if you want. Yesterday I got my tonsils taken out. :( And unfortunately I couldn't wear any  polish during the surgery and after it was over I was in no mood to paint my nails. I will be taking it easy for the next week or so. I decided I wanted to start doing some Valentine's Day nail art so you can get some inspiration for the upcoming holiday.

Today I did a fun heartbeat design on my nails. I started off with Zoya Purity and then for the heartbeat line I used OPI The Thrill of Brazil. I just used a small nail art brush for the line and I think it turned out  well.

What do you think about this nail design? What Valentine's Day designs are you going to try out this year? Let me know down below.


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